Appendix Section 2a
Travellers who used the Gamsirat segment and their accounts
This is an expanded version of Table 1 in the main text of the article.
Listed by Calmard (1)
Listed by Floor (2)
Listed by Gaube (3)
Source directly consulted for this paper
1523, Sept
Smith, R. B. (1970). The first age of the Portuguese embassies, navigations and peregrinations in Persia, 1507-1524, Bethesda, Maryland: Decatur Press. p.64
1540, Nov
Membré, M. and A. H. Morton (1999). Mission to the Lord Sophy of Persia (1539-1542). Warminster, Trustees of the Gibb Memorial. p.48
1581, Aug
Purchas, S. (1905). Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes : contayning a history of the world in sea voyages and lande travells by Englishmen and others. Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons. p.460
1606, Aug
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1615, Nov
Anon. (1939). A chronicle of the Carmelites in Persia and the Papal mission of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode. p.219
De Silva Figueroa
1617, Oct
1620, Nov
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1627, Feb
Herbert, T. (1677). Some years travels into divers parts of Africa, and Asia . . .. London, Printed by R. Everingham for R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, and R. Chiswell,. p.117
1628, Dec
Stodart, R., E. D. Ross and Bodleian library. (1935). The journal of Robert Stodart : being an account of his experiences as a member of Sir Dodmore Cotton's mission in Persia in 1628-29. Published from the unique manuscript preserved in the Bodleian library. London, Luzac & co. p.83
1638, Feb
Olearius, A., J. A. v. Mandelslo and J. Davies (1662). The voyages & travels of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the . . . whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the embassy) from Persia,. . . London, Printed for Thomas Dring, and John Starkey ...,: Book 1 p.7
1645, Jul
1645, Nov
Algemeen Rijks Archief, The Hague, the Netherlands. Koloniaal Archief (Colonial Archives), KA 1057 fol.359 [citation from Floor, op. cit.]
Basting de Oude
1645, Apr
Valentijn, F. (1724). Oud en nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyd in die gewesten, benevens eene beschryvinge der Moluccos, Amboina [&c.]. Dordrecht. Vol.5 p.246
La Boullaye le Gouz
1649, Mar
Le Gouz de La Boullaye, F. and G. Clousier Les voyages et obseruations du sieur de La Boullaye-Le-Gouz gentil-homme Angeuin, : où sont décrites les religions, gouvernemens & situations des estats & royaumes d'Italie, Grece, Natolie, Syrie, Palestine, Karamenie, Kaldée, Assyrie, grand Mogol, Bijapour, Indes Orientales des Portugais, Arabie, Egypte, Hollande, grande Bretagne, Irlande, Dannemark, Pologne, Isles & autres lieux d'Europe, Asie & Affrique, où il a séjourné, le tout enrichy de figures. A Paris,, Chez Gervais Clousier ...p.116
Speelman, C., J. Cunaeus and A. Hotz Journaal der Reis van den Gezant der O. I. Compagnie Joan Cunaeus naar Perzie\0308 in 1651-1652. Door Cornelis Speelman. Uitgegeven door A. Hotz. Met route-kaart en plattegrond en plaat van Persepolis [and eight other plates], 1908. p.38 [citation from Floor, op. cit.]
De Bourges
1661, Oct
Bourges, J. d. Relation du voyage de Monseigneur l'evèque de Beryte vicaire apostolique du royaume de la Cochinchine, par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, &c. jusqu'au royaume de Siam & autres lieux. A Paris, Chez Denys Bechet, … p.91
1665, Apr
Tavernier, J.-B. (1930). Voyages en Perse et description de ce royaume. Paris, Aux éditions du Carrefour. p.320
1665, Mar
1665, Apr
Thévenot, J. d. (1687). The travels of Monsieur de Thévenot into the Levant : in three parts, viz. into I. Turkey, II. Persia, III. The East-Indies. London, Printed by H. Clark for H. Faithorne [etc.]. Pt.2 p.131
Struys (Strauszens)
1672, Mar
Struys, J. J., J. Morrison and D. Butler (1683). The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys. Through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Muscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. . . . . London, printed for Samuel Smith, at the Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard. p.347
1674, Mar
Chardin, J. and L. M. Langlès (1811). Voyages ... en Perse, et autres lieux de l'Orient. 10 tom. [and] Atlas. Paris. Vol.8 p.486
1675, Jan
Melton, E. (1702). Eduward Meltons Zeldzaame en gedenkwaardige zee- en land-reizen door Egypten, West-Indien, Perzien, Turkyen, Oost-Indien en d'aangrenzende gewesten : behelzende een zeer naauwkeurige beschrijving der genoemde landen ...
. Amsterdam, Jan Verjager. p.430
1677, Jun
1678, Feb
1678, May
1678, Nov
Fryer, J. and W. Crooke (1909). A new account of East India and Persia, being nine years' travels, 1672-1681. London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society. Vol.2 p.178
1685, Dec
Kaempfer, E. and K. Meier-Lemgo (1968). Die Reisetagebücher. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner. p.120
Van Leene
1691, Dec
Valentijn, F. (1724). Oud en nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyd in die gewesten, benevens eene beschryvinge der Moluccos, Amboina [&c.]. Dordrecht.Vol.5 p.265
1702, Mar
Algemeen Rijks Archief, The Hague, the Netherlands. Koloniaal Archief (Colonial Archives), KA 1559 fol.286[citation from Floor, op. cit.]
De Brujin
1705, Aug
1706, Oct
Bruyn, C. d. (1737). Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East-Indies Containing, an accurate description of whatever is most remarkable in those countries. And embelished with above 320 copper plates, ... To which is added, an account of the journey of Mr. Isbrants, ... to China; ... In two volumes. By M. Cornelius Le Bruyn. Translated from the original French. London, printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, S. Birt, C. Davis, J. Clarke, S. Harding and 4 others in London ,: 2v. Vol. 1 p.69, 132.
Algemeen Rijks Archief, The Hague, the Netherlands. Koloniaal Archief (Colonial Archives), KA 1793 fol.979 [citation from Floor, op. cit.]
Rochechouart, J. d. C. (1867). Souvenirs d'un Voyage en Perse, Paris. p.31
Sadid al-Saltana, M. A. K. (1983). Minabi Bandar 'Abbasi. Safarnama-yi Sadid al-Saltana. A. Iqtidari. Tehran. [citation from Floor, op. cit.]
1907, Mar
Wilson, A. T. (1908). "Notes on a Journey from Bandar Abbas to Shiraz via Lar, in February and March, 1907." The Geographical Journal 31(2): 152-169.
1 Calmard, J. (1978). Les routes de Chiraz au Golfe Persique vues par les voyageurs européens (1640-1720), Memoire de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. This apparently unpublished paper was not accessible to this author, but the relevant table is reproduced in Calmard, J. (2006). Lar, Laristan; Encyclopaedia of Islam, New ed., pp.665 -676.
2 Floor, W. (1999). "The Bandar 'Abbas-Isfahan Route in the Late Safavid Era (1617-1717)." Iran XXXVII: 67-94. Most references in Dutch and the single one in Persian were not read by this author and rely on Floor's citations.
3 Gaube, H. (1979). "Ein Abschnitt der safavidischen Bandar 'Abbas-Shiraz-Strasse. Die Strecke von Seyyid Gemal ad-Din nach Lar." Iran XVII: 33-47.